

Is That Super Bowl Ad Effective Marketing? 7 Ways to Judge

An estimated 111 million people will be watching this year’s Super Bowl and a recent survey showed that many American adults prefer watching commercials to watching the game. That’s why marketers are willing to spend an average of $3.8 million for a 30-second spot. When you have an audience that big and that eager to hear your message, your ad had better be great. But how do you know if an ad campaign or creative concept will be a winner -- or be worthy of such a huge marketing investment? What makes...

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Don’t Underestimate the Power of “Old School” Direct Mail

Social media and web marketing have pushed direct mail to the back burner for some marketers, but a classic direct mail package, using all the tactics and techniques that have been tested for generations, can still be a powerful marketing tool. Here’s why “old school” direct marketing still packs a punch – and some tips for using it in your smart marketing strategy....

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10 New Year’s Resolutions for Smart Marketers

At the beginning of a new year, most of us will resolve to live healthier lives and clean out our closets. New Year’s resolutions also can extend to marketing – and many smart marketers use the turning of the calendar page to make some long-overdue changes to their marketing strategies. Here are 10 resolutions to make your marketing more effective in the New Year....

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How to Use Your Brand Voice to Be Heard in Social Media

Social media is the noisiest place on the planet. Every day, there are over 1 billion Facebook posts and 400 million Tweets. If you’re straining to be heard amid the social media din, try using one of your most powerful marketing assets: The voice of your brand. Here’s why brand voice is important in a smart marketing strategy, especially for social media marketing....

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How to Develop a Marketing Plan: 10 Essential Steps

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is focusing on the tactics of marketing – the new website, direct mail campaign, or Facebook promotion – without first developing a marketing plan. Though a comprehensive marketing strategy for a large company can be a big undertaking, nearly every marketing plan involves these 10 essential steps....

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